Year 7 Scheme of Work for RSE
Cynllun Gwaith Blwyddyn 7 ar gyfer ACRh

Year 7 Scheme of Work for RSE

Phase 3 for age 11 plus


Understanding the positive and negative characteristics and healthy or unhealthy aspects of a range of relationships including family, friendship, romantic and sexual.

Ability to develop and understand the importance of equity, mutual respect, and affection in relationships with others.

Pastoral lesson - L5 Cyberbullying

Pastoral lesson - L6 KIVA (school’s anti-bullying policy)

Pastoral lesson - L19 Everybody’s different

Registration Sessions on Sexism

Health & Wellbeing – L11 – Healthy Relationships

Health & Wellbeing – L5 – LGBT

Understanding and use of effective communication, decision making, managing and resolving conflict, and refusal skills in a range of different contexts and types of relationships, offline and online, including intimate relationships.

Understanding how to speak out about harmful behaviours directed at them or others.

Pastoral lesson -L6 KIVA (school’s anti-bullying policy)

Pastoral lesson -L11- What is citizenship

Pastoral lesson - L12- being a good citizen, community and online

Pastoral lesson L13- being an active citizen in school

Pastoral lesson L14-friendship- bystander

Understanding how the diversity of relationships including marriage, and all types of civil partnership, has changed over time, and how relationships are positively and negatively impacted by social and cultural norms and laws in different ways around the world.

Registration Activities on LGBTQ+ History & Pride Month

Understanding how rights need to be balanced in a diverse society; the characteristics, benefits and challenges of living in a diverse society; and how and why attitudes have changed and are changing including towards gender and sexuality diversity

An ability to advocate for and advance the rights of all and understand and respect all people in relation to sex, gender and sexuality.

Understanding how the law and human rights secure freedoms around sex, gender and sexuality and how these can differ in other countries and over time. Ability to critically explore and understand how a range of social, cultural and religious norms and influences about relationships, sex, gender and sexuality can shape perceptions and our wellbeing and can be both positive and harmful.

Pastoral lesson -L19 – Everybody’s different

Registration Activities on Pride Month, LGBTQ+ History Month, Black History Month, International Women’s Day, Deaf Awareness Week, Human Rights Week, International Day of Disability, International Migrants Day, International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination, Anti-Bullying Week

Health & Wellbeing – L5 – LGBTQ+

Humanities –WK 8 -11 People on the Move, The Dark Side of The Empires, Trade within the Empire, The Commonwealth

Pastoral lesson L11- What is citizenship

Pastoral lesson L12- being a good citizen, community and online

Pastoral lesson L13- being an active citizen in school

Pastoral lesson L14-frienship- bystander



Understanding how fertility, sexual function and menstrual health and well-being can change across the life course and how to find information and support when needed.

Health & Wellbeing – L15-16 – stages of life & puberty/periods/hygiene

The knowledge and understanding of how hormones continue to affect emotional and physical health throughout adulthood.

Pastoral lesson L10 – Puberty

Health & Wellbeing – L15-16 – stages of life & puberty/periods/hygiene

Understanding how contraception can assist with reproductive choices, including awareness of abortion.

Understanding of good sexual and reproductive health, including the range of risks and outcomes from sexual experiences and the knowledge needed to support informed decisions about sexual activity and about reproductive choices.

The knowledge and understanding of the causes, symptoms and impact of conditions connected to sexual and reproductive health and to fertility, including sexually transmitted infections, HIV and reproductive cancers. Understanding and skills needed to minimise risks and seek help.

Critically engaging with positive and negative representations of a diversity of bodies, including through various forms of media and understanding that these can be unrealistic and harmful.

Health & Wellbeing – L10 – Social Media and Body Image

Understanding how all are entitled to safe and pleasurable relationships and recognising the role consensual sexual activity plays within healthy relationships. Understanding the legal age of consent.

Recognise and be able to use a range of support services to access information and support around relationships, health and well-being and safety

Registration Activities – Puberty



Understanding the importance of inclusivity, including for LGBTQ+ people, non-discrimination and the value of diversity in our interpersonal behaviours and relationships.

Health & Wellbeing – L5 - LGBT

Cymraeg- Fi, Hunaniaeth & contemporary diverse people

Developing a sense of individual and social responsibility to others, including consideration of how we respond to behaviours that are discriminatory, disrespectful and harmful, offline and online.

Humanities –WK 8 -11 People on the Move, The Dark Side of The Empires, Trade within the Empire, The Commonwealth

Recognising harmful, abusive or coercive behaviour in personal relationships including control, violence and sexual violence and how to respond and seek help for self and others. This includes all forms of violence based on sex, gender and sexuality

Cymraeg- Ffrindiaa da and ffrindiau drwg

Understanding of the importance of consent for safe and healthy relationships and in particular sexual relationships.

Understanding of how consent can be communicated in different social contexts and relationships, including online.

Registration Activities – Safer Internet Day

A critical understanding of how consent is impacted by perception and social context and the factors that influence and impair people’s ability to engage in consensual behaviour, for example, substances, violence, coercion and relationship norms

Understand the ethical and legal issues relating to the consensual and non-consensual sharing of self-generated imagery, and rights to safety, support wellbeing and protection.

Registration Activities – Safer Internet Day

Understanding the impacts associated with sexual material and intimacy online, including the ethical and legal implications.

Registration Activities – Safer Internet Day

An awareness of how sexual material and media often represents gender, sexual activity, bodily appearance, and relationships in unrealistic and harmful ways.

Health & Wellbeing – L10 – Social Media and Body Image

An understanding of laws around RSE issues that are in place to protect us from all forms of discrimination, violence, abuse, neglect and harassment, and that laws are intended to protect not criminalise young people.

Registration Activities on Stop Child Exploitation Day

An understanding of how to advocate for safe environments and the rights and understanding of everyone on a range of RSE issues.

Registration Activities on Black History Month, LGBT history month, International Women’s Day, Deaf Awareness Week, Human Rights Week, International Day of Disability, Pride Month, International Migrants Day, International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination, Anti-Bullying Week

Appreciate the importance of safely speaking out against sex and gender based and sexual violence.

Registration activities on Sexism