How it all started.
Jon ran his first marathon in Edinburgh in May 2013 (with a time of 3:57:12) and despite going out too fast and struggling he loved the experience so later that year ran Abingdon in 4:09:22. Undaunted by injury, Jon went to Barcelona in March 2014 and ran an amazing 3:38:58.
He’d got the bug.
Three more marathons followed in quick succession and then in October that year Jon was in Dublin on the way to the expo, feeling almost superhuman about his marathon achievements when he bumped into another runner Malcom Collins.
They got talking - Malcolm had only gone and run a marathon the day before and Dublin was his 130th or there about.
He was a member of a very special group of people. All of whom had run 100 marathons or more.
Jon travelled back from Dublin with Malcolm and by the end of that weekend the die was cast. Jon wanted to be a member of that club – some simple maths told him that he needed to increase his marathon output or it would take him 12/13 years to get the hallowed vest.
2 marathons in 2013 6 marathons in 2014
15 marathons in 2015 33 marathons in 2016 29 marathons in 2017 16 marathons so far in 2018
Increased output indeed!
When the running didn’t go to plan
As with all challenges, things can’t always go smoothly, especially when attempting a feat as mind-blowing as 100 marathons.
It happened at the 2018 London marathon.
It was a very hot day - a lot of people were in trouble with the heat. Only a few miles into the race Jon was unconscious on the side of the road. A crowd had gathered including marshals and paramedics.
Jon had been treated by medics for over an hour and was only allowed back on the course after signing to say he accepted full responsibility for continuing.
He said that he’d felt dizzy and thought he would have a seat for a few minutes - then woke up with everyone around. He had been ill with a cold /flu during the previous weeks and obviously shouldn’t have been running but there was something in him that forced him forward. Jon went on to finish the marathon in 5:37:59 which considering his hour plus in the medical tent is still pretty amazing.
Travelling, running, and feats of endurance.
On his journey to 100 marathons Jon has run 21 or 22 outside of UK. He has run marathons in Spain, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Switzerland, Finland, Holland and Poland and ran his PB of 3:27:43 in Barcelona.
You don’t get initiated, you do it yourself
Many clubs have initiation ceremonies and long lists of people to choose from; perhaps that’s what makes this club so illustrious: You have to do it yourself. No one else has to get up and complete the training runs or to travel to various parts of the UK and Europe to compete.
More people have climbed Everest than have run 100 marathons. Jon has run 100 marathons in an average time of 3 hours and 58 minutes flat; which puts him in an extremely elite group of people!
Eirias staff and students are delighted to have such an inspirational person in our ranks. Congratulations on initiating yourself into the 100 marathon club.
Fastest time 03:27:4
Locations in which Jon has been running
Number of marathons ran over the past 6 years