
Eirias History department receives gold award

The Historical Association recently carried out an assessment of the History department at Eirias and determined that the faculty deserved the gold award for excellent standards of teaching and learning.

The ethos and culture of history teaching at Ysgol Eirias is to be admired.

The History department at Eirias were recently presented with the Historical Association Gold Award for excellent standards of teaching and learning.

The Historical Association Quality Mark is an award that recognises the excellence of history provision in schools. The Quality Mark assess and values the history provision of the teacher, their department and the school and what is being offered to young people.

They are thoughtful and reflective, gathering views from everyone to inform further improvements.

The assessor, Alun Morgan, said that, “there is a richness to the existing provision and a desire for further improvement which would be well within the capacity of the team to achieve.”

Of particular note was that Eirias is a pioneer school for the new Welsh national curriculum and currently History is taught in year 7, along with geography and religious education as a humanities programme.

The Historical Association assessors spent a whole day in school, looking at the learning environments and the work that has gone into creating a stimulating atmosphere in and around classrooms. It was noted that, “the individual classrooms and outside corridor areas provide a stimulating learning environment through displays of pupils’ work and a range of stimulus material including reminders of key skills and learning strategies.”

Eirias will hold the gold award for three years.

The team is exceptionally well led, is committed, and dedicated to providing the best quality history education for pupils at the school.