
River and Sea Sense at Eirias

As the temperature heats up and the temptation to swim grows, take a moment to consider some water safety tips from River and Sea Sense.

After the tragic loss of her son, Christopher, in an open water swimming accident; Debbie Turnbull launched River and Sea Sense to highlight the dangers of open water swimming, and to encourage young people to gain more understanding of water safety before entering open water, and to highlight the dangers of Cold Water Shock

Debbie visited Ysgol Eirias, along with Ayo Akinwolere from the BBC, to deliver a workshop, and to show how her charity is providing practical lessons that could help to save lives. Chris Cousins from Water Safety Wales also shows us a technique called Float to Live, that could help to lessen the impact of shock and panic when confronted with icy cold open water.

What is Cold Water Shock?

"When in cold water (anything below 15°C), your body can go into cold water shock.

If this happens, you lose control of your breathing and movement.

Cold water shock also causes your heart rate and blood pressure to quickly increase, which can lead to cardiac arrest.

The average sea temperature around the UK and Ireland is just 12°C. Inland waters like lakes, rivers, lochs and reservoirs can be colder - even in the summer.

Remember, if you find yourself in difficulty in the water, Float to Live."1

1: Taken from RNLI guidelines