Pupil Support
Cefnogaeth i Ddisgyblion

Child Protection
Amddiffyn Plant

Ysgol Eirias fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection within the All Wales Child Protection Procedures.

Occasionally, a young person may disclose that something has happened to them which suggests they are at risk of harm. When this happens school is required BY LAW to inform the local Social Services Department who will, if necessary investigate the matter.

Naturally, school (usually Mr Drew McKenzie (Deputy Headteacher) or Mrs J Rowlands (Student Manager) will inform the parents of the concern UNLESS in doing so the pupil would be placed at increased risk of further harm

Heads of Learning and Assistant Heads of Learning.
Penaethiaid Dysgu a Phenaethiaid Dysgu Cynorthwyol.

Each Year group is led by a Head of Learning, who manages the team of form tutors and pupils in the year group. If you have any general concerns about your son/daughter the Head of Learning is the person best placed to help you. (If you have a subject specific concern please contact the relevant Head of Faculty).

Each Year team also has an Academic Development Coordinator. This member of staff will work closely with a group of young people in the year group helping them with specific issues. For some young people this may be about their organisation and time management, for others it may be about how they study.

The name of the appropriate Head of learning and ADC for you son/daughters year group is shown below.

Heads of Learning and ADCs 2024-2025

Year 7:
Head of Learning: Mrs K Rogers rogersk54@hwbcymru.net
Assistant Head of Learning: Mrs L Lambe

Year 8:
Head of Learning: Mrs H Zachara zacharah@hwbcymru.net
Assistant Head of Learning: Mrs K Hodgkinson

Year 9:
Head of Learning: Miss A Beards beardsa5@hwbcymru.net
Assistant Head of Learning: Mr R Johnson

Year 10:
Head of Learning: Mr J Knowles knowlesj28@hwbcymru.net
Assistant Head of Learning: Miss J Bayley

Year 11:
Head of Learning: Mr A Metcalfe metcalfea1@hwbcymru.net
Assistant Head of Learning: Miss B Owen

Sixth Form Yrs 12 and 13:
Head of Learning: Dr. M Greenslade greensladem6@hwbcyrmu.net
Assistant Heads of Learning: Mrs Green and Mrs C Davies

Pastoral Support Programmes
Rhaglenni Cefnogaeth Fugeiliol

Occasionally, a pupil experiences some difficulty in school. This may be being the result of the impacts of:

  • an ongoing health issue,
  • behaviour or attendance issues,
  • sibling who is very ill,
  • a range of other issues.

School may decide to call a Pastoral Support Programme Meeting which will usually involve the pupil, their parent, the Head of Learning, Mrs L Gunby (ANCO) if the Child has any learning need and any external agencies involved with the pupil (e.g. School Nurse or ESW). Occasionally a representative from the Local Education Authority (LEA) may be asked to attend. The aim of the meeting is to support the young person to fully access school throughout their period of difficulty.

Additional Learning Needs
Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol

All students have their own educational needs. As a school we strive to individualise each young person’s learning experience to take account of these individual needs. However, some young people have learning needs above and beyond those of other young people. Some may need additional reading, literacy or numeracy support. Others may need support with their acquisition of speech and language, others may have a specific or moderate learning need such as dyslexia or be on the Autistic Spectrum disorder.

All staff have a responsibility to support pupils with Additional Needs. Some of our Teaching Assistants (TAs), will offer additional support in class and around school for those young people who have an identified need. If your son/daughter has a specific learning need please speak to Mrs E Gunby (ANCO) who will be able to address any issues you may have. She can be reached on the main school number 01492 532025 or by email General@eirias.conwy.sch.uk with the email subject; ALN.

E Gunby - ANCO

H Deakin - Assistant ANCO

B Eldon - Assistant ANCO

Eirias Pupil Inclusion Centre (EPIC)
Canolfan Cynhwysiant Disgyblion Eirias

Some young people may access EPIC because they have a broken limb which makes moving around the school difficult for a short period of time, Others may access the centre as part of a re integration programme after a prolonged period of illness, while others may go into EPIC as part of an agreed educational package. While every effort will be made to accommodate a pupil in EPIC when this extra support is required space is a limiting factor. Heads of Learning will consult with parents.

Within EPIC there is a dedicated area called HAFOD for pupils in KS3 who have an educational requirement to be disapplied for a small proportion of their curriculum.

Cynnal is a similar area for KS4 pupils who may have an adapted curriculum or similar supportive need

J Evans - Inclusion Manager

H Deakin - Hafod Co-ordinator and Assistant ANCO

V Jones - Hafod Teaching Assistant

The Student Manager
Rheolwr y Myfyrwyr

The student manager at Ysgol Eirias is Mrs J Rowlands. Mrs Rowlands is works closely with teaching and support staff as well as parents to reinforce and maintain good standards of uniform and behaviour in the pupils. She is based in an area within the main office, and is available to students throughout the day. She maintains a supply of various items of uniform which may be borrowed for a day if that item is left at home or misplaced. Mrs Rowlands leads the team of supervisors during the lunch break, and is available to show prospective students’ and their parents around the school.

If you wish to contact Mrs Rowlands please use the main school telephone number 01492 532025 or by email RowlandsJ27@hwbcymru.net

Emotional Support
Cefnogaeth Emosiynol

There are times when we all need a bit of extra emotional support. We offer a range of emotional support strategies for students. This may simply be someone to talk or to ask for and be given a piece of well-directed advice, or help in controlling an anger issue. It may be a more formalised counselling approach to guidance. The type of emotional support offered initially is decided according to the pupil’s needs.

Please note that while the issues raised by the pupil will not be discussed with staff, there may be an occasion where, if the pupil is felt to be at risk, Mr D McKenzie (Deputy Head) will have to refer to outside agencies. Parents will be informed if this is the case – unless in doing so the pupil may be placed at further risk. Please see the Child Protection Policy statement.

Types of Emotional Support Available

1. As part of the pastoral care within the school the pupils’ form tutor, Academic Development Coordinator or Head of Learning may be able to offer those well-chosen words of advice and will monitor any situation that arises. Consent will not be requested for this level of support

Before any of the following services are offered to pupils parents will be asked to give their consent

2. In School Emotional Support.

3. School Based Counselling is a service provided by the Local Authority. Trained counsellors come into school at a pre-arranged time to meet the young person.

School is also able to make referrals to other external agencies such as:

  • The School Nurse
  • Educational Welfare Officer
  • Early Intervention Prevention Service (EIPS) who may initially become involved if a young person is thought to be self-harming or at risk of eating disorders
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) for more serious concerns about a child mental health.
  • Bereavement Counselling (CRUSE)
  • Barnardo’s
  • Social Services Department – Child in Need
  • Team Around the Family

The School Nurse
Nyrs Ysgol

The School Nurse holds a drop in facility offering confidential medical advice lunchtimes for pupils in the school’s medical room. No appointment is necessary although pupils must be on their lunch break to access this service. Pupils may also receive an appointment to see the nurse at other times.

The School Nurse also delivers some input into the pastoral programme and oversees the immunisation programme in school.

Heads of Faculty
Penaethiaid Cyfadran

If you have a concern about your child’s progress in a specific subject you should contact the appropriate Head of Faculty. These are outlined below. They can be contacted by phone through the main reception or via the email address below.


Subject areas covered

Head of Faculty



English, Drama, Media, Psychology, Music

Mrs J Caton




C Richardson



Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Applied Science, Additional Science, Environmental Science)

Miss S Taylor



Design and Technology, Food, Textiles, Graphics, Art, Product Design, Resistant Materials, Child Care.

Mr M Sherry


Modern Languages

German, French

Mrs B Gordon



Geography, History, RS, Sociology

Miss K Alexander


Business Communications

Economics, Business Studies, ICT, Health and Social Care

Mr D Jones




Mr N Wilkinson




Mr D Williams


Contact Us
Cysylltwch â Ni

Please note: Members of teaching staff are likely to be teaching when you ring school

Not all members of staff have a direct access to a telephone. Please ring the school reception on the number below and leave a message. The member of staff will get back to you when they are available

If you wish to speak to a Head of Leaning or Head of Faculty (who do have a direct phone line) you will be asked if you would like to leave a voicemail message if they are unavailable when you ring. Alternatively contact them by email. Please see section on Heads of Learning or Heads of Faculty

Phone: 01492 532025

Fax: 01495 531684

Email: general@eirias.conwy.sch.uk.

Request a Policy Document: general@eirias.conwy.sch.uk

Admissions: ThomasK538@hwbcymru.net

School Police Liason Officer
Swyddog Cyswllt Ysgol yr Heddlu

Ysgol Eirias works very closely with North Wales Police. PC Gary Sinfield is the school’s police liaison officer. She helps deliver some aspects of the pastoral curriculum, but may (along with other officers or PCSOs) come into school to discuss particular issues relating to pupils that have happened in the community, deliver a community resolution, issue a yellow card or offer restorative practices to help resolve pupils problems.

Police staff may also request contact details which we will provide. Occasionally Ysgol Eirias will invite PC Sinfield into school to talk to pupils about their behaviour and the law. Parents will be consulted before this happens.

If you wish to access further information about PC Sinfield’s role, and look for advice on matters that are dealt with in schools please go to www.schoolbeat.org