"Ysgol Eirias inspires its students to challenge their learning and demand the most from their skills and talents. The school has a proud reputation for academic excellence that regularly sees it feature as one of the top performing Sixth Forms in England and Wales. Eirias is a richly resourced school set in a beautiful location that complements the vast array of curricular and extra- curricular opportunities"
Head Teacher
"Many sixth form pupils have secure recall of prior learning and make strong progress in their subject knowledge and skills. They have positive attitudes towards their learning and show a high degree of independence. "
"Ysgol Eirias is proud to be ranked in the top 10 schools in Wales based on the number of our pupils who secured A* - B grades at A Level and GCSE according to Parent Power, The Sunday Times Schools Guide 2022.
I am delighted with this recognition of the incredible hard work of our young people and teaching and support staff at Ysgol Eirias. A very proud moment"
Head Teacher