Year 6 Transition
Pontio Blwyddyn 6

We would like to provide you with information regarding the different phases of transition that we are offering to your child. We understand how daunting the thought of your child moving to high school can be and would like to take this opportunity to provide you with reassurance and information around your child’s transition to Ysgol Eirias and to welcome you to our Eirias family.

Our motto at Ysgol Eirias is ‘Succeeding Together’. We believe that one of the greatest gifts we can give a child is education.

We are committed to taking your child on a journey of learning and exploration and aim to instil a lasting, life-long love of learning. We see every child as an individual, seeking to nurture each child’s talents and skills and ensure that they make the very best progress regardless of starting point.

We work closely with our primary colleagues in the Eirias cluster and have a long-standing collaborative working relationship with them, ensuring that the children’s well-being and learning is placed firmly at the centre of all of our discussions.

We value communication between home and school and know that by working together we can ensure that your child has the experiences and opportunities they need to help them be the best they can be. We believe in starting this home-school communication as early as possible and have a variety of transition activities planned throughout the academic year. Please see below for an outline of our Transition Timeline 2024-25. Further details to follow


We very much look forward to meeting you and working with both yourselves and your child. If you would like any further information or would like to arrange a meeting with any of the Transition Team please send an email with the subject ‘Year 7 Transition’ to