Outcomes of Learning
Deilliannau Dysgu

How do we know that our learners are making progress?

We combine the information provided to us from our primary schools with our experience of our learners in school within the first few weeks in September to help us identify starting points for each learner, i.e. where each learner is in their learning.

Teachers and learners will then work together to identify the next steps needed to ensure progression. Three times a year, teachers will take a snap shot judgement to identify where each learner is in their learning, compared to the progress expected in relation to their starting point. This snap shot judgement is then shared with learners and their families to provide families with reference points in their child's learning as the year progresses.

The reports to parents/carers will provide information around a 'Progress Measure' and a 'Learning Measure'. Next step codes will also be provided. Please click the links below for further information about the 'Measures' and how to support your child with their next steps at home: